
Antacids may lead to the same service with milk milk - alkali syndrome

Antacids : bismuth potassium citrate , stomach Bristol , sodium bicarbonate and other antacids can lead to the same service with milk milk - alkali syndrome .
Cardiac drugs : milk with digitalis ,  Ethyl lactate , cardiac drugs with the clothes , because the calcium contained in milk can increase the intensity of digitalis , digoxin toxicity , drug prone to accumulation of toxic reactions , and even accidents .
Antihypertensive drugs : severe hypertension patients using antihypertensive drugs pargyline and other encounters with milk or dairy products may cause a sudden jump in blood pressure ,  zinc lactate  persistent elevated blood pressure , or even hypertensive crisis .
Levodopa : This drug absorption in the small intestine , when the body needs to help support the operation . The milk proteins contained in the aromatic amino acids ( such as phenylalanine ) and levodopa compete for the same vector system , thereby affecting its absorption.

