In the process of intense exercise the body needs a lot of energy. Then the body tissue removal of lactic acid powder production of lactic acid than high speed, increased lactate concentration within the organization. This process of NAD + regeneration and protection of the continuing movement. Unlike the general description of the error increase in lactate concentration in itself does not cause acidosis, nor is it cause muscle soreness. magnessium lactate in the human body can not release a proton, so there is no acidity. The human body glycolytic pathway analysis show that this process does not lead to acidosis.
Strenuous exercise acidosis caused when there is another reason. Adenosine triphosphate is split in the release of energy when it releases a proton, these protons is causing acidosis causes. In the intense aerobic metabolism during exercise (Aerobic Metabolism) can not guarantee the production of adenosine triphosphate, so anaerobic metabolism (Anaerobic Metabolism) begins. This process can produce a large number of adenosine triphosphate, adenosine triphosphate which the release of a large number of protons in the decomposition, reducing the pH of the tissue, causing acidosis. This is perhaps the intense muscle pain during exercise one of many reasons.
It was considered by the strong ion concentration gradient can cause lactic acidosis, but the study of this process is imperfect, it is unclear whether there.