
yogurt nutrition and health

Yogurt, generally refers to yogurt, which is based on fresh milk as raw material, through Markov sterilized milk and then add to the beneficial bacteria (starter), the hair alcohol, then cooled filling a milk product. Yogurt products on the market today mostly solidified, stirred and lactic acid powder of accessories such as fruit juice jam type as much. Yogurt in addition to nutritious, but also contains lactic acid bacteria, and therefore have a role in health care. These effects are:
1, maintain the ecological balance of intestinal flora, forming a biological barrier, inhibiting the invasion of harmful bacteria in the gut.
2, by generating a large number of short-chain fatty acids promote intestinal motility and bacterial massive growth and change in osmotic pressure to prevent constipation.
3, yogurt contains a variety of enzymes, magnessium lactate and absorption.
4, by inhibiting the growth of saprophytic bacteria in the intestine, inhibits corruption occurring toxins, the liver and brain damage from these toxins and prevent aging.
5, by inhibiting the saprophytic bacteria and the growth of certain bacteria in the intestine. Thus inhibiting these bacteria produced carcinogen, to anti-cancer purposes.
6, improve immune function, lactic acid bacteria can produce some substances to enhance immune function, can improve the body immunity, prevent disease.

