
add very common food additives

Adding food additives found in beverages is very common , vitamin drinks, tea drinks , fruit drinks, Calcium lactate and other beverages can see the shadow of food additives , especially some drinks for children , the added food additive is scary .
In a large-scale supermarkets, food shelves dazzling variety of drinks . Reporters picked up a bottle of excellent buffered lactic acid milk beverage , bottle labels on packaging and food additives indicate: citric acid , phosphoric acid , sodium citrate, silicone emulsion , acesulfame , pectin, aspartame ( including Phe acid ) , a total of 12 kinds . A well-known brand yogurt food additives containing sodium carboxymethyl cellulose , citric acid , latex , propylene glycol alginate , aspartame ( phenylalanine ) , acesulfame and so on.

