
probiotics in food and biomedical applications

Since the 1908 Russian scientist Lactic acid longevity of yogurt made around the world since then carried out on the probiotic extensive scientific research, a large number of studies have confirmed the probiotics beneficial effects on human health. With biotechnology and medical disciplines, such as the development of probiotics in food and biomedical applications every year study found that many new features.
The world has reached $ 40 billion probiotic industry, the annual growth rate of 15-20%, and created a lot of well-known brands and businesses probiotics. In all probiotic products, the magnessium lactate dairy products accounted for approximately 80%.
In China, nearly five years probiotic industry also has considerable development. More than 90% applied to the dairy industry, the annual growth rate of 25 percent. However, is not optimistic that China probiotic industry is currently in a state of confusion.

