
Bacillus fermentation production of lactic acid

In recent years the production of lactic acid fermentation of Bacillus people's attention. Danner etc. ¨ mining With Bacillus stearothermophilus FA6 and IFA9, with glucose as carbon source, batch culture hair Production of L-lactic acid fermentation, sugar conversion rates were 84.0% and 98.7%. Poyat etc. ¨
Report: 52 ℃ screened grown in a Bacillus Sodium lactate TB04, can cultivate
Group under conditions not sterilized lactic acid fermentation, the optimization of fermentation conditions, the final concentration of lactic acid Degree of 55g / L, glucose conversion rate of 92%. Lu Fu equality ¨ vice published lactobacillus spores Screening of Bacillus potassium lactate  production conditions and the findings of its optimum growth temperature of 45 ℃ a 50 ℃, under anaerobic conditions, fermentation of glucose as carbon source, L-lactic acid, 72h acid production Up to 67.8g / L, where L is a lactic acid content of 96% or more.

